Commissioning and delivery
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Atlantic crossing
The crew
Old Peculier
The factory tour was extremely interesting and useful. Maintenance is much easier with 'inside knowledge'
Delivery of the boat was a special day. We did not realize how large the hull was until we stood alongside.
Using the statutory wine and champagne she was christened
'Old Peculier'.
The trip home was divided into 3 legs. La Rochelle to Lanzarote, then Antigua and finally to Hobe Sound.
Lynn was aboard for the whole time and particularly enjoyed Marina Rubicon in Lanzarote. I was fortunate to spend several days sailing to Fuerteventura and Isle de Lobos
The worst weather was on the NW corner of Spain - force 9. It is disconcerting when the waves are much taller than the fly bridge!
Most of the trip was in manageable weather with frequent night squalls. The assymetrical and code '0' were used extensively.
Several encounters with schools of up to 40-50 Atlantic dolphin and one with a whale, I think he thought he had found an mate and stayed around for several hours
The crew from La Rochelle to Lanzarote - Alan, Don, Martin and Will. Not forgetting Lynn who did all the hard work.
The trans-Atlantic crew - Jules, Steve, Susan, Martin, Lynn and Robert. All still unaware of what is to come.